
Streamline the IT value chain for improved customer-facing offerings.

Let’s be honest. Insurance runs on relationships and electronic paper, and a strong Technology department can be business accelerator when it’s not consumed by day-to-day operations. Partner with Vergence to develop processes and tools that reposition your people to focus on providing the greatest value for the business while delivering best practices within IT.

The IT landscape is complicated by nature:

  • Limited ability for IT to deliver resilient services due to legacy on-premises systems
  • Poor integration between disparate data sources, processes, and tools
  • Too much time spent firefighting instead of delivering services and business value
  • Lack of real-time visibility, making it nearly impossible to make decisions
Open laptop with example of ServiceNow CIO dashboard
Resilience, cost savings, innovation, and customer experience are the outcomes driving today’s IT business.
Today’s IT Business Drivers
Over 3 trillion has been invested in digital transformation over the last 3 years, yet only 26 percent have delivered return on investment, failing to meet expectations.
Point solutions fail to meet expectations
Vergence can fill the value gap between innovation and your desired outcomes.
Vergence can fill the value gap between innovation and your desired outcomes

You need a single platform to plan, build, operate and service across all IT functions.

Vergence can bring your complicated landscape together so it can be managed, optimized, and enjoyed.

Novant Health eliminated 28 hours of redundant support work utilizing ITSM, according to ServiceNow.
Improve agent productivity 30 percent, according to Forrester.
Resolve incidents 30 percent faster, according to Forrester.
Resolve major outages 25 percent faster, according to Forrester.
Novant Health reduced workload by 50 percent with Self Service, according to ServiceNow.

IT Service Management (ITSM)

Start with delivering great IT Service Management. This is what your business partners experience most and delivering great service for break/fix (incident) and request processes builds trust. Doing so efficiently means you have more capacity for IT projects, innovations, and conversations that make you a valued partner within your business.

ServiceNow ITSM Capabilities Overview
ServiceNow IT Service Management
ServiceNow Approach Technology Service Operations
ServiceNow Approach to Technology Service Operations
ServiceNow ITSM Professional Enterprise
Drive outcomes with ITSM Professional & Enterprise

ITSM is a strategic approach to IT management, with a focus on delivering value to customers.

ITSM clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of every individual and department related to IT services, which increases productivity, lowers costs, and improves end-user satisfaction.

ITSM Key Features

Incident Management

If it was working yesterday but not working today, that is an incident. Restoring services, resolving issues quickly, and communicating clearly are keys to building trust with your user base. It’s even better when IT proactively identifies and fixes issues before the users find them. Vergence can help you deploy your staff, processes, and tools to efficiently manage this area of break/fix.

Omni-Channel Incidents

Incident intake via a self-service portal, Virtual Agent, email, and phone

Visual Task Boards

Kanban boards manage tasks, assignments, checklists, and priorities

Native Mobile App

Allows the IT team to triage, address, and resolve tasks on the go

Ticket Automation

Efficiently prioritize and route assignments with speed

AI-Based Recommendations

Machine Learning-driven recommendations to standardize how to resolve common incidents

Reports and Dashboards

Configurable, role‑based dashboards manage the work of teams and individuals in real-time

Problem Management

When a company has chronic and critical issues, that is an opportunity to apply a Problem Management practice. Root cause analysis, known-error databases and tying into greater expertise on your team can eliminate common problems from occurring and allow teams more time for work that drives your business strategy, critical projects, and provides greater employee growth and satisfaction. Vergence can organize a Problem Management process to quell those major incidents and nagging issues from consuming IT.

Remediation Plans

Guidelines for IT service agents to fix common incidents

Real-Time Dashboards

Pre-built dashboards for problem identification and further remediation of abnormal patterns and trends

Knowledge Transfer

Allows IT service agents to share known errors and workarounds for accelerated resolution of similar problems

Change and Release Management

Fifty-one percent of IT outages are avoidable. Change Management is used to reduce the risk of change and minimize the count and duration of unplanned outages. Whether you are looking to get started in this area or want to scale your Change Management practices, Vergence can help you get there. We also integrate change control into release management without skipping a beat. When you have a platform of platforms, work flows seamlessly between applications.

Change Approval Policy Management

Automated approval of standard and low-risk changes with advanced workflow designed to streamline change approval for risk reduction

Change Impact Visualization

A map showing the potential impact of a proposed change on IT, services, and configuration items

DevOps Integration

Change acceleration due to the integration of Azure DevOps pipelines with ServiceNow® change management

Request Management

Successful Request Management is about making it easy to request products and services that is organized intuitively for your users. Requests vary greatly and setting expectations is critical. Vergence can help you organize your offerings in a way that is intuitive and robust, so your users are overjoyed with the service and performance of your teams.

Unified Service Center

A central portal for employees and customers to request services from IT, HR, and other departments, gain status updates, and search for knowledge

Graphical Designer of Request Workflows

Low-code/no-code interface for robust workflow processing

Virtual Agent

Virtual Agent allows customers and employees to get answers and solve issues 24/7 with keyword search, natural language understanding, and guided questions for common needs

Native Mobile App

Allows the IT team to address and resolve tasks on the go

Asset Management

Track costs, quantities, and contracts for hardware and virtual assets

Asset Provisioning

Automation of asset requests, fulfillment, and ordering processing

Inventory management

Stockroom inventory management for serialized and consumable items, along with software license management for tracking applications across the organization

Contract Management

Contract lifecycle automation, including approval and renewal for various contracts (e.g., leases, warranties, maintenance, and service) related to hardware and virtual assets

Multiple Barcode Scanning

Quick scanning of multiple barcodes or groups of codes with a smartphone for fast entry of asset information

Knowledge Management

Capturing knowledge is not easy or common practice within technical teams. Furthermore, tribal knowledge can hammer a team with high employee turnover rates forcing people to relearn how to solve problems and perform work. Setting up a Knowledge Management practice is critically important to consistently and reliably delivering service to your users. Vergence can help with these processes and adoption so you can regularly push work downstream and closer to users, thereby freeing time for your resources to work on higher value tasks.

Knowledge Gap Analysis

Machine Learning-powered identification of knowledge gaps based on resolution, task assignment, and other factors to help teams respond more quickly and consistently

AI-Driven Search

Powerful search across knowledge articles with personalized search results for agents, employees, and customers

Analytics and Reporting

Reports and dashboards to monitor the use, aging, and feedback of corporate knowledge

Configuration Management

A well-managed CMDB is incredibly powerful! Design, scope and ease of maintenance are critical ingredients in its success. Gain visibility into your IT environment and make better decisions. Vergence can advise where to start or how best to grow your CMDB so it best balances the level of effort to value delivered.

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

Accumulates and structures data about all IT components and provides visualization and reporting on configuration items (CIs), audit trail, and more

Data Health Tools

Aggregation and processing of key CMDB metrics (e.g., completeness of required and recommended fields of CIs, correctness of CIs based on pre-defined data integrity rules) to provide actionable insights on how to improve the CMDB’s performance and health

Service Graph Connectors

Quick and easy loading of large volumes of third-party data into the CMDB via Service Graph Connectors

Visualization and Reporting for Configuration Items

Mapping, querying, and understanding complex relationships of CIs in tables with a clear graphical view

Surveys and Assessments

Triggering the right cadence of surveys for feedback will uncover somethings you don’t know and provide guidance and weight to known areas of improvement. Use comprehensive assessment data to score and rank items, providing normalized, weighted results. Analyze, publish, and link survey results to records automatically so you know where to improve.

Intuitive Survey Designer

Create, configure, and publish surveys using a single, visual interface that’s intuitive

Survey Analytics

Generating intuitive charts based on survey results (e.g., evaluation of the quality of IT services)

Survey Administration

Agents or managers create, schedule, and send surveys and assessments—all from one place

Public Surveys

Make customer satisfaction surveys public or invite specific respondents—it’s up to you

Service Level Management

Setting the right expectations and meeting your commitments is how you provide a great customer experience. Measure how much time tasks are with the customer versus the service team. Go deeper with Operational Level Agreements that measure each teamwork within a single request. It is all about improving and setting achievable goals. Vergence can help you get there and analyze the results for continuous improvement.

Service Level Timeline

Proactively manage at‑risk SLAs and understand changes. View task progress plus associated SLAs


Specify SLA requirements easily and automatically send request and incident status notifications


Gain operational insight with configurable, role‑based dashboards, built‑in metrics, and surveys


Dig deeper to anticipate trends and identify service improvement and training opportunities

Employee Center

Link to with icon/don’t make link obvious, just use icon

Employees want service any time, wherever they are, with fast resolutions.

With a unified portal across departments employees can stay engaged, productive, and informed—and request the services they need from anywhere. Vergence can set up and advise how to create convenience and joy for your customers.

Curated Experiences

Organize, customize, and streamline content creation around topic pages for easier self-service

Targeted Campaigns

Serve up timely, relevant, personalized content to employees based on location, role, and job type

Collaboration Tools

Direct integration with Amazon Connect, Facebook, Slack, Microsoft Teams

Employee Forums

Empower employees to participate in internal discussions and discover forum content via search


Gain insight into how campaigns and content are performing with out-of-the-box reporting capabilities

ITSM Professional Features

Predictive Intelligence

With volume and frequency of data comes a wealth of capabilities to automate and streamline your processes. Vergence can help identify these areas for automation and excellence. Doing it right will allow you to work faster and smarter!

Major Incident Detection

Proactive detection of major incidents using ML-based flagging of similarity across incidents

Smart Classification and Routing

ML-based classification of tasks, incidents, and cases with routing to relevant agents

Predicting Time to Resolution

Predicting time to resolution using regression analysis

IT Service Owner Workspace

See services, data, and performance in one place to evaluate investments against value. Ensure performance excellence with full lifecycle visibility plus real-time data and insight. Vergence can advise on what to measure and how to bring the right metrics together.

Top Quality Services

Monitor metrics across the full lifecycle easily to ensure services are performing as designed. View performance data over time—prep for review meetings and make strategic investment decisions.

Restore services faster

Proactively identify and remediate issues quickly by analyzing changes and trends.

Manage service costs

Pinpoint services with unexpectedly high costs and relatively low performance or value add.

Improve the service experience

Analyze your service portfolio and identify areas that need attention using performance metrics. View and track availability, attach commitments directly to offerings, and receive outage alerts. Monitor CSAT trends and underlying events to maintain and enhance customer satisfaction.

IT Vendor Management

Technology moves fast and requires many partners to realize success. With this comes risks and regulations to manage these relationships. We partner with you to organize and control these processes, so you have confidence in your vendors, manage any deficiencies, understand their value and allow them to deliver the services that matter to you.

Vendor Landing Page

View vendors in one place—compare scores, costs, and details to get a pulse on performance health

Vendor Profiles

View vendor contact info, overall score, and supporting metrics, with the ability to drill down

Performance Reporting

Validate against SLAs and other contractual obligations. Take steps to amend or assess chargebacks

Integrated Risk Data

View performance and risk scores in a single workspace so you get the full picture

Service Credits

Calculate any refunds owed to your organization due to vendors failing to perform as promised

Comprehensive Vendor Information

View all the information related to a vendor’s services easily to analyze historical health

Success Indicators

Benchmark performance across your vendor base to identify common characteristics of high performers

Vendor Satisfaction Scores

Understand what kind of experience vendors are delivering by surveying stakeholders and subscribers


See instant landing page overview of vendor KPIs then group for reporting and tracking flexibility

Contract Review

Evaluate and reassess vendor contracts and obligations—easily, and in one place

Compliance Monitoring

Stay on top of service issues to ensure good governance and compliance

Objective Reporting

Measure vendor performance based on actual data, not vendor self-reporting

ITSM Enterprise Features

Workforce Optimization

Develop high-performing teams by optimizing schedules and work assignments—and providing the skills they need to succeed—all in one workspace. Gain real-time visibility across channels and work so you can manage for optimal performance. Model demand scenarios to analyze scheduling impact and make sure you staff properly for surges. Empower your agents with the skills they need to succeed using integrated coaching and courses. Vergence can help you optimize your workforce for greater customer satisfaction.

Team Scheduling

Manage shifts, on-call schedules, and time-off requests with an intuitive omni-channel interface

Performance Reporting

View and filter team and individual data. Drill down into KPIs, set targets, and track progress

Omni-channel optimization

Monitor conversations, analyze voice recordings, and track capacity utilization across all channels

Skills Management

Engage your agents and improve service quality with intelligent skill development recommendations

Skills-Based Routing

Use rules and language detection to identify needed skills and route incidents to the right agent

Two-Way Coaching

Let coaches assess agent-caller interactions and agents give feedback on coaching effectiveness

Queue Management

Watch work move through assignment queues, address escalations in real time, and track wait times

Learning Management Integrations

Add learning content from internal and third-party systems. Track and assign courses to agents

Demand Forecasting

Let managers set forecast parameters to visualize data and manually adjustment to improve accuracy

Skills Overview

Gain insight into key statistics about each required skill to ensure your team is proficient

Process Optimization

Maximize process performance by uncovering hidden inefficiencies with visual maps that leverage automation and machine learning. View performance across your organization and use machine learning to improve workgroup results. Streamline work by uncovering and removing bottlenecks in business processes. Vergence can help you uncover areas of improvement and make your teams even better.

Business Process Flows

Uncover hidden inefficiencies with the push of a button

Process Map and Comparison

See a visual representation of process flows to identify bottlenecks and make improvements quickly

Root Cause Analysis

Optimize processes fast with AI-powered analysis to detect undesired process behavior

Conformance Check

Ensure greater regulatory compliance by proactively identifying process deviations and anomalies

Machine Learning Cluster Analysis

Use AI to identify and remediate process inefficiencies faster, and understand underlying patterns

Linked Process Analysis

Discover and map related processes for a complete view of how they connect to and impact each other

Easy Collaboration

Share process maps across teams for collaboration and process improvement

Embedded Process Analysis

Right click to analyze process and issues directly and simply from any filtered list of records

Performance Analytics Integration

Link Performance Analytics KPIs to continual improvement initiatives to track realized business value

Process Insight Dashboard

View process summary and actionable improvement insights at-a-glance from a single dashboard

Ongoing Optimization

Integrate with Continual Improvement Management to refine processes and track their business value

Whether you are just starting to optimize and mature your ITSM processes or looking for advanced workforce and process optimization, Vergence can tailor a plan to meet your needs. We are advisors in best practice for scaling your operations, delivering more business value, and delighting your internal stakeholders.

Dialing in IT best practices makes your teams more valuable to the organization.

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is making the world of work, work better for people. Their cloud-based platform and solutions deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. For more information, visit