

Prepare for something amazing!

Over the years, business systems get weighed down with layers of customizations. Often these customizations help the flow of work through departments and various systems but over time these become cumbersome to change and create drag on upgrades and ongoing maintenance.  If you are rolling out a new policy admin system or looking to simplify how you operate, Vergence can help.

Simplifying your core, moving closer to out of box and building resource capacity allows you to pivot your technical services from reactive, keep-the-lights-on activities to a greater focus on business value.  This first step increases trust with your business partners.

Next, we offer engagements that bring modern, innovative, workflows that can aggregate work from all corners of your business into a managed view, making people happier and more productive, lowering frustration of mundane activities, and allowing clear focus and accountability for servicing your policyholders, brokers, and back-office partners.

In this way, you keep the stability of your core system, create a system of action for visibility and control, deliver better customer/user experiences, and build agility so you are ready for tomorrow.

Partnering with Vergence allows you to safely reimagine your work of insurance.

Let us squeeze more from your core insurance platforms then elevate your back office and policyholder experiences with systems of action.